Monday, January 16, 2012

Where is the Beginning?

The problem with starting a blog is that you have to know where to start. Do you start with something that happened today, yesterday, or maybe a hundred days ago?  You could start with an anecdote or a reflection of great import. If you are an ordinary person, this blank 'page' is a little daunting. No, make that a lot daunting.

Now that I have that out of the way, I'll just dive right in and talk about art. I want to talk about Art and the Zen of Creating. (and no, I did not get that backwards). Everyone creates, all the time. Sometimes we call the product of our creations art. Sometimes we call it trouble. Always it is a product of our imaginings, our ideas, our hopes and our dreams. Rarely do we pay enough attention to what is going on in those imaginings. That is where I think the Zen part comes in. Pay attention to those thoughts that are flying through your mind at lightning speed. Slow them down. Take the dark ones that are sure to cause trouble, introduce them to your sunny side and BAM. You are creating art instead. Try it. I dare you.

It has taken many years and some very deep grieving for me to understand how important creating art is to me. Of course, I'm not saying that I produce VanGogh quality of art or anything even close to that. I am talking about soul soothing art. Art that has, it turns out, become the greatest healer in my life.

I continue to create, to heal and to make art a welcome inhabitant of my world.

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